I pulled out a box of TBS photos (To Be Scrapped) and let them pick ones they wanted to use. I figured if I hadn't used them by now what harm could it do.
The oldest choose a night that Daddy cooked pizza from scratch.
Daddy made pizza! |
The middle man chose pictures from the time he and I attended free day at the Taekwondo school.
Zoom! (No idea what inspired that title) |
The perfectionist in me wanted to go back over their pages and add journaling, captions, etc. but they seemed so pleased with their work that I decided not to be so type A.
Guitar Hero layout using Glitz paper and stickers from the Paper Studio |
I made a page about a night of Guitar Hero at my sister's house. There is no better time to be had for so cheap! (Say that ten times fast) It was a good idea to get the creative juices flowing and a way to cure some blogger's block...and we're back!
Your kids did a great job....they have two very different styles of scrapbooking...what a great way to teach them the importance of family....